It’s Release Day for my debut novel!

Today, May 16th, is the release date for my debut novel, Loving the Rodeo Queen! It is included in an anthology from Two Dogs Publishing entitled, Bright Lights. You can find it on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited. Isn’t the cover gorgeous!

And look! My name is on the cover! I’m totally in awe. I always felt this day would eventually arrive, but there were times when I wondered how long I would have to wait.

I’m sure many of you have felt this way at one time or another. Let me encourage you. Don’t give up! Rewards come to the tenacious and the persistent. Not to those who give up or quit. The thing is, we can’t see around the bend and often, the moment we most want to throw in the towel is the moment just before that big breakthrough. (See my post on Lessons from the River for more thoughts on this.)

Anyway, subscribers and readers of this blog, thanks for all the support and encouragement over the years. I hope you’ve received a bit of encouragement along the way from my words as well. If you check out the book, let me know. I’d love to hear your thoughts and what you’d like to read in future. Leave a comment and I’ll get back with you. Your advice is important because I want to write stories you’d like to read.

Thanks and may your days be filled with joy and purpose!


  1. Congrats! Your hard work is paying off. Can’t wait to read it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats! Your hard work is paying off. Can’t wait to read it!


  3. Thank you, Suzanne. Your encouragement means a lot! And your turn is coming. You’re a fantastic writer and your stories have touched me. I can’t wait until more people are able to share in your vision.


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